Queer Tarot

What’s your queer super power?

Aries: They will mastermind queer narratives by welcoming deconstruction. In fact, Aries never sees the ruin of old ideas but rather the perpetual birth of new ones.

Taurus: They are strong role models for other LGBTQIA+ people, and they help pave the way for stable families and communities.

Gemini: They transform queer struggle into an affectionate hope while shape-shifting and blending identities in a powerful way.

Cancer: They are keepers and archivists of queer stories, and they pass on the wisdom from generation to generation.

Leo: They lead the art of self-expression in their queer community, and their presence is felt long after they leave the room.

Virgo: They are leaders who organize events for their queer community to help people meet each other. They may even serve as match-maker.

Libra: They welcome new styles and interpretations of what it means to be queer. They’re great to consult with for a lesson in self-growth and brainstorming.

Scorpio: They are experts on how to seek your queer truth and won’t sugar coat it or water it down.

Sagittarius: They know how to do first dates and are masters of queer speed dating.

Capricorn: They are preparing to make the robots of the future as queer as possible.

Aquarius: Queer Theory– they wrote that. Ask them to translate it for you into more relatable terms.

Pisces: Their queer dreams become your desires as their energy swims through you like so many observations of nature.

Why Queer The Tarot?

I was once visiting a city and excited to be in a new place when I decided to visit the local psychic. She made projections about my life, including about my “boyfriend,” which felt icky considering I was dating someone who is genderqueer at the time. Later I looked up advice for dating a Scorpio and all the Google articles were super gendered, such as “Advice for Dating A Scorpio Man,” and that made me realize that I wanted to queer the tarot and its relationship with the Zodiac.

Let’s take a different perspective together: one where we focus on our unique personalities and gifts; one where we smash the status-quo and its demeaning stereotypes. Let’s use tarot for healing within queer artist communities and that starts with how we talk about tarot and how we interpret the cards that hold insights into our secret worlds.

Are there limits to queering the tarot? Yes, queer culture has not always included folks who are marginalized in terms of classism, racism, and ableism, to name a few. My hope is that this project is a beginning place, like the suit of Aces or the Fool themselves, but much more work needs to be done.

And now a little bit about myself: I am the founder of Ram’s Head Tarot, a Boston-based tarot reading business focusing on parties, events, and individual or couples tarot readings. I am also the coauthor of A Tarot Reading Guide for the Haunted Poet. In 2018, I was the recipient of a grant from the Firefly Arts Collective for creative work with tarot. Follow me @pennapril on Instagram or on Facebook: @ramsheadtarot